Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Stir-Fried Cucumber with Oyster sauce

Something to look forward to in the summer season is when cucumbers start making an appearance in our shops. Other than having it with satays, we like it simply stir fried with oyster sauce.

Some might think it odd, cooking a marrow that is normally eaten fresh. Try it. It really does taste delicious.

Here's us Wishing Everyone a Very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. Eat, drink and be merry !

stirfry cucumber with oyster sauce

500g cucumber
1-2 Tbsp dry shrimps
1-2 Tbsp oil
1 clove garlic, minced
1-2 Tbsp oyster sauce
3-5 Tbsp water

1 tsp cornflour + 1½ tsp soy sauce (mix together)

1. Soak dried shrimps with hot water until soft. Drain but reserve the water.

2. Partially strip the cucumber skin with a potato peeler (or you may prefer to cook with the skin still on). Cut the cucumber into 4, lengthwise. With a knife remove the soft pulpy seed section. Cut the cucumber thinly diagonally.

3. On high heat add oil into the wok. Fry the dried shrimp for a minute then add the garlic. Saute for a few seconds.

4. Add the cucumber and stirfry for 1-2 minutes. Add the oyster sauce and some of the reserved shrimp water.

5. If you prefer the cucumber softer, cover for 1-2 minutes. Add cornflour solution to thicken (optional). Season with salt to taste.

6. Serve with rice.

stir-fried short cucumber
1. Any varieties of cucumber can be used. Telegraphic cucumbers have a much thinner skin and are practically seedless. There is not much soft pulpy seeds to cut off.

2. Fresh shrimps can be used in lieu of dry shrimp.

cucumber stir fry with har mai


  1. Wishing you and your family a very Happy and Safe Holiday!!!

  2. Best wishes for the New Year, Tricia.

  3. Hey there,

    I use to make this dish too. Friends find it wierd at first, but upon savouring it, they love it.

    I go for a spicier version.
    So after the dried shrimps, i throw in chopped garlic with bird eye chillies. And few dash of fish sauce (nampla)

    Happy cooking,
    Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year.


  4. Thanks for this recipe. I was surfing the Net for a stir-fried cucumber recipe and this is just what I was looking for!

  5. Chaokar - The cucumber is such a versatile veg, isn't it :).

    KY - You are most welcome.

  6. Hi Sinner,
    I have enjoyed your recipes ever since I stumbled upon it. Looking forward to more yummy recipes from you in 2010! Sorry to have missed out wishing you Marry Christmas. Anyway Happy New Year to you and your family.
    June from Birkdale :)

  7. wishing you and family a very happy new year

  8. hi sinner, thanks for this wonderful site...I am a singaporean 'westie' from the waitakere. only discovered the joy of cooking since I moved to NZ.my wife is certainly enjoying this new love of mine. Do you conduct classes?

  9. Hi westie robb,

    Welcome to our blog. Your wife must be the luckiest lady in the west. lol

    Thanks for asking but no I do not conduct classes. I am more than happy to answer any queries concerning recipes in our blog.

    If you can't find certain ingredients I might be able to point you to the right shop ie if they are available.


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