I hope you enjoy making, as much as I have always enjoyed eating them !

Makes 12
Ingredients :
430 gm potato
3 tbsp milk
1 can 210g smoked or plain salmon, drained
60 gm onions, finely chopped
2 eggs, well beaten
½ tsp fish sauce (optional)
¼ tsp salt
some grated carrots, chives or spring onions
dash of black pepper
breadcrumbs, preferably fresh for coating
Method :
1. Boil potato (do not overcook) and mash with a little milk until fairly smooth.
2. Mash fish with a fork, add onions, fish sauce, salt, pepper and carrots
3. Add mashed potato and 1½ tbsp of the beaten egg (this helps to bind the mix

4. Form into balls, dip in beaten egg and roll in breadcrumbs.
5. Flatten slightly.

6. Let it sit in the freezer for 15 minutes or in the fridge for 1 hour. This will make the cake easier to handle when frying.
7. Fry each side in some oil until golden.
8. Serve with home-made tomato sauce or sweet chilli sauce.
I prefer to make using fresh breadcrumbs which give a nice crunchy crust on the outside but as they soak up more oil it is not the best for weightwatchers.
We store all unwanted bread pieces (broken bits and crusts) in a bag in the freezer. When fresh crumbs are required I take a few slices of bread out, defrost in the microwave and blitz in the food processor. The crumbs that are leftover (clean, ie. no egg) after coating the cakes are placed on a tray and then put in a low oven (100-125°C) to dry, turning occasionally. When complete, allow to cool, then store in an airtight container for later use.
Any leftover cooked fishcakes go into the freezer and are reheated later for lunch or a lazy meal. But beware, they become very soft after reheating so handle carefully!
Hi, I would love to try this out. Tried out some other recipes of yours and it worked nicely ^^.
However, I'd like to ask, if after making the fish cake, can u store in freezer till a later date before taking out to fry, instead of frying after 15mins of freezing. Will it taste the same or anything to look out for? Thanks!
Hi Johnny,
We have only ever freezed the fish cake after frying but never the other way around. We find it more convenient this way as we only then need to defrost it in the microwave and then stick it in the small oven to crispen up the outer layer.
Freezing it for 15 minutes is only to firm it enough to make it easier to handle during the frying process.
The trick to totally freezing it would be the defrosting process. The center would need to be defrosted but the outside would still need to be firm enough to not fall apart when frying.
You might have to experiment by cooking half and freezing half for later and see what happens. Sorry not much help.
Glad you like some of the other recipes. Thank you for the feedback :)
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