Wishing all our Family & Friends
A Very Happy Chinese New Year !
Lovely macarons for the New Year's Eve Reunion Dinner !
A Very Happy Chinese New Year !
...the redneck eats well, here are some of our favourite tried and tested recipes.
Posted by Sinner at 4:13 pm
Labels: sweet n dessert
Oh..WOW!!Beautiful..no bumps,so so smooth and lovely feet.
Happy Chinese New Year to you and Jim.
What's the filling for the macarons?Look very interesting.
Thanks Shereen. Happy Chinese New Year to you and your family too !
These macarons have a lemon curd filling.
Wish you and your family a Happy Lunar New Year, Gong Xi Fa Cai!
Kung Hei Fatt Choy to you and your family!!!
Lovely Macaroons! Looks so yummy!!!
Happy New Year!
Some time back, I made this yam basket with your online help and I haven't forgotten how good it was :)
I was too lazy to make it this CNY but hubby reminded me of it, so thought I would drop by and say hi !
Jess : Happy Bunny Year to you too !
Tricia: Thanks. Gong Xi Fa Cai ! These macarons are very addictive. Far worse than PS3 or Wii ;) lol
TE Cook : Hi ! Thanks for dropping by. The yam ring is still our fav food. To get round the laziness, I usually make a few at one go and then freeze for later.
Dear Sinner, what perfect macarons! I have had nothing but failures in my attempts to make them. I wonder if you could kindly share your recipe/technique?
Thanks Claire. If we didn't like the macarons so much, I too would have long given up. Took me five attempts before I got those much sought after 'feet' !
I am still at the trialling stage but once the macaron making is more consistent, I will certainly share the recipe.
Thanks, Sinner. I am so looking forward to your recipe, but please take your time. From experience I know your recipes totally work for me.
Thanks Claire. Great to know the recipes works for you too ! :)
Just heard about the earthquake in Christchurch. Hope you and your family are safe.
It is total devastation in Christchurch. I really feel for the residence there. We are so thankful we are in Auckland, so not affected. Thanks for your concern Tricia.
Hi Sinner,
Too bad to know about the earthquake in Christchurch but glad to know that Auckland is not affected & you & your family are safe. God Bless.
I'm so glad you're back! Looking forward to your recipes again!
Hello! Would love to use this image as the header for my Annotation Site for a week or two. It goes perfectly! cnfnation.wordpress.com.
Thanks a bunch! I look forward to hearing from you!
- monapily
Hi monapily,
I do not understand what you mean by annotation site. Can you please explain a bit more ?
Hi! The site is called CNFNation (standing for Creative Non-Fiction Nation) and we post annotations of nonfiction books. An annotation is something like a review but more of an analysis of the book from a writer's perspective.
I've recently posted an annotation on a memoir by Shirley Jackson, who was a prolific writer in the 1950's. In her book "Life Among the Savages" she makes reference to having cookies with "sinner" written on them. I thought the image of your macaroons would be a perfect fit. Here is the link to the annotation so that you can read it. http://cnfnation.wordpress.com/2012/01/21/life-among-the-savages/
Thanks again, and love the recipes on your site!
Hi monapily,
You have my permission to use the photo. Thanks for the explanation and thank you for asking.
Thank you so much for permission! It's a great photo!
Here is a link to the page where I site the photo source. http://cnfnation.wordpress.com/about/
Thanks again!!
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