A biscuit with many names. Some call it kuih loyang, kuih goyang, kuih rose, beehive or plain old honeycomb biscuit. This is a very popular cookie for Chinese New Year.
This recipe produces beehives that are light and crispy. Mr Redneck likes his with a sprinkling of icing sugar.
This recipe produces beehives that are light and crispy. Mr Redneck likes his with a sprinkling of icing sugar.
Makes about 16 biscuits
1 small egg (45g with shell, 40g without)
35g sugar
100ml coconut milk
60g plain flour
25g rice flour
1 tsp water
1. Mix all the ingredients together until the sugar is dissolved. Sieve if the batter is lumpy. Rest batter for at least ½ hour.
2. Heat your oil in a deepfryer or wok and place the mould in it to get it hot.
3. Remove mould from hot oil and stick it into the batter to get a coating. (Do not allow the top of the mould to come into contact with the batter.) You will hear a sizzle. Hold still for a second or two to give the batter a chance to adhere to the mould.

4. Place the mould back into the hot oil. Hold still for a second or two and then start jiggling the mould to get the biscuit to drop.
5. Deep fry until both side is golden brown. Remove and leave to cool.
6. Repeat step 3 until all the batter is finished.
7. Store in an airtight container.
1. I am giving the exact size of the eggs I am using as size of eggs can vary and this is the consistency of the batter I am happy with.
1. I find the first biscuit will always stick to the mould and will need to be scrapped off. Once that is out of the way, the rest of the kuih will drop off the mould into the hot oil very easily.
2. The biscuit can be lightly dusted with icing sugar before storing.
I love eating this! I didn't know it's made this way. Interesting.
Ah...kueh rose.My muslim colleagues will bring to the work place during Hari Raya.
You are so good. Mr Redneck is one lucky guy.
Happy New Year 2009! May the year of the Cow brings you more joy, happiness, good health, luck and prosperity!
dear sinner,
your pictures brought back memories of working with my mother on these--one dipping and the other flipping and pulling out of the oil. found your site through tastespotting and i'm so impressed. i am assuming that you are malaysian and you live in new zealand. i am in california. i will be bookmarking your site as one of my favorites.
Hi Sinner,
I made these last year. What a disaster! Almost all of it stuck to the mould.
But, after seeing yours I want to try again!!! :P
BTW, how long can it store?
pigpigscorner - we love eating this too.
vien - Thanks. I am lucky too as Mr Redneck is an excellent cook as well.
jadepearl - Happy New Year to you and your family too.
thuthen - Thanks. Yes I am Msian. These biscuits sure bring back memories.
Tricia - As with most deepfried food, they gradually turn 'yik'(rancid). Mine gets eaten within a week. Just make sure it is in an airtight container so that it doesn't go soft.
Does anybody know if these keep well? I'm thinking of sending these in a chinese new-year themed care package to my hubby who just replied, but it often takes 2-3 weeks for the package to reach him!
Where do you buy the mold to make these?
Amanda - I would take the risk and send some of these kueh as well. Then you can get some feedback from your hubby as to whether it stayed 'fresh'. If you are making it yourself, then at least you know they are very fresh to start with.
cyrile - I bought these decades ago from Msia.
Hmm Great Kueh Rose. Will try one day. Thanks for sharing the recipe
Thanks sinner! I am going to make these tonight and send them off. I hope they do stay nice and tasty:-).
They are good! I used packet coconut milk & my batter turns out very thick. Takes ages to fry with 1 mould (passed down from my grandmother). I would need to hide all my freshly baked tarts & cookies today cos I made a mistake of displaying them on the table & they're gone within a week !
Thanks Sinner for sharing ! How come I didn't see any pineapple tarts in your list ?
Wishing you happines, health & prosperity in this new year !
Hi Jan,
Gong Xi Fa Chai to you too.
I too use just 1 mould if I am doing it by myself. One hand to dip and the other hand to flip.
These biscuits you definitely have to hide. Glad you like the honeycomb :)
Pineapple tarts ? Don't hanker for it enough to experiment.
Hi Sinner. Thanks for your recipe. I try your recipe but most of stuck to the mould. Can I know why become like this? I am using Chicken Brand coconut milk. It is due to the thickness of the coconut milk ? Thanks.
Are you using a new mould? Did you eat any of the kueh that was scrapped off - did it taste hard or ...?
Hi Sinner,
I was looking for the mould & found that nowadays those available mould are heavy & thick copper type & slightly smaller & doesn't look like yours which looks light & bigger. Do you mean new mould will stick the batter badly? Kindly advise & thanks.
Hi Delphine,
I went and measure mine. It is 2.5" across. Maybe the modern thick heavy ones are better. We can't figure out what my mould is made out of !
New moulds like new woks or frypans can sometimes be 'sticky' until it is well seasoned with use. Don't worry not every new mould will stick. But need to blame something! ha ha
I so wish I could just walk out and shop for different types of moulds. Here moulds are non existent.
Hi Sinner,
Thanks for your reply, when I get my mould I will have it measured & let you know the width, yours looks like copper. Well, we should be lucky to find so many types of moulds here. Will keep you inform.
Hi Sinner,
Thanks for your reply. Yes, I am using mould. I did tried on kueh that was scrapped off, it taste crispy and nice(Unlucky did not form like your honeycomb biscuit shape). I only manage to get 2 biscuits done out of 16.
2 out of 16 with a new mould is not too bad ;)
It might already be too late but do not wash off the oil from your mould after you have used it. Just give it a wipe with a handy towel and oil it again.
When you scrap off the batter, every last bit have to be scrapped off. If not the new batter will cling to the bits.
The batter for this recipe is quite thick, but if you feel yours is too thick then add a tsp of water at a time and see how it goes.
Remember too that your mould have to be really hot before you dip into the batter.
Do try again, I am pretty positive you will get more than 2 pretty biscuit next time :)
Hi Sinner,
Thanks for your advice. I did try again and had minor change your recipe i.e. instead of 60g plain flour, I change it to 30g plain flour and 30b corn flour.The outcome are not bad.
I am so glad you didn't give up :)
Hej Sinner
I made this today after dinner. As my tin of coconut milk was 165 ml, I increased the other ingredients accordingly.
Well, the 1st four pieces were okay, a little burnt but were very crispy and tasty but the subsequent ones were a flop. The coated batter dropped off before I could transfer them to the wok. I tried to hold the mould longer in the batter but still it did not work. I wonder what was wrong ? My 2 moulds are new.
Hope you can shed some light.
Thanks Sinner.
Hi CClarice,
Thanks for going into such details. Saves me from having a stab in the dark.
Since your 1st four pieces were okay - that means your new mould was well seasoned. So we can't fault the mould.
Your mould got 'cold' after cooking the 1st four. When you are ready to start dipping, leave one mould(A) sitting in the hot oil, use the other one(B) to dip the batter.
After you drop the batter into the oil, leave mould(B) to sit in the hot oil, and use mould(A) to dip. That gives a chance for the moulds to get hot again in between each usage.
But be careful not to let it get too hot too as it would then have the opposite effect. But once you get a rhythm going, you will be fine.
See whether that works.
Hej Again
I tried various fixes including the one you recommended. I also tried to reduce / increase the heat, thinking maybe the heat played a part in the mystery. But nothing worked.
Well, I will make another attempt this weekend and hopefully, it will turn up well. I will keep you posted of my trial.
Thanks Sinner, enjoy your weekend.
Hi Cclarice,
I find the heat in the mould do play a critical part. Looks like you have that part sussed.
So we will now turn our attention to the batter. At the start the batter is a bit on the thick side. As you progress, you will notice the batter will get contaminated with some of the oil and will progressively loose a bit of its thickish consistency.
Since you are making nearly double the recipe, divide the batter into 2 containers and just keep filling the 'dipping' batter (you may already have been doing this).
If you find that after 4 biscuits, the batter start playing up again, dip the mould into the 'clean' batter and see if it works again.
If that works, that means too much oil drip have changed the consistency of the other batter.
So many "if's". haha. I find cooking is sometimes like being in a science lab doing an experiment.
You have a good weekend too. I will keep my finger crossed on your next trial.
Hej Sinner
I finally had time for the 2nd trial. Surprised, everything went okay. I did as normal but I gave the mould a little Ah Go Go to shake of the extra oil before the next dip into the batter.
The biscuits sure tasted good and crisped. Another thumps up to you !
Hi CClarice,
Excellent !! You don't know how happy I was to hear it was all good this time round.
Thank you for giving the recipe another chance :)
I like this cake..in Indonesian this is called 'kembang goyang' precisely in betawi...
i like...n very2 the very like ,,,if i know my granny try to publish this kueh...but i still waiting ma.,..
Hi sinner I have problem with beehive. I used small pot to deep fried and it turn out inside of the flower the lower part is white colour whereas the whole beehive turn golden brown. May I know what is the temperture of oil and the fire should like inorder to fried till the whole beehive have the even colour like yours posted here? Thank you very much
Hi Jeanna,
Your question came at the perfect time. I had just made a batch for CNY. I too use a small pot which fits 3 kuih rose only. Tight squeeze !
The temperature of the oil depends entirely on how fast you can work. I have no one to turn the kueh for me so if I find it turning brown too quick, I turn the temperature down.
The trick to get an even colour is to turn the biscuit often to check.
Hi sinner
Did you buy your mould from Msia or Akl?
Lee San
Hi Lee San, got mine in Msia.
Thank you very much sinner for your kind attention on my question. well, anyway I used your recipe and made 6 portion of it any the biscuit turns out perfectly very well. I was delighted afterall. So you mean the fire can be very low so as the biscuit won't black fast? As I heard that when deep frying shouldn't used low fire as the things we fried will absorded lots of oil. I must say great for your recipe, thank you very much .
hi Sinner
Can i get the mould in any of the bakery shop or something?
I will be trying your recipe very soon
I hope it goes well :P
thankx for sharing
sorry i hv to ask you this
what u mean by this
1 small egg (45g with shell, 40g without)
Hi Jazz, if you are in Spore or Msia you could get the mould in a shop that sells baking utensils.
Break the egg into a bowl. Weigh 40gm of egg to use in the recipe.
I just got the moulds ...
N the eggs only 40gm ?
Will b doing later
I hv tried to make first round but its totally a disaster, :( as the batter wont come out from the mould after few min in the hot oil :( or its totally charcoal up :(
can i use cream coconut or should it be water type of coconut
Hi sinner,
I just want to say thanks for the sharing,
1st round was a disaster, and 2nd round was ok, as i knew where the mistake was, i didn't put the mould long enough in the batter :(
mine was all finish in 1 hr
Hi Jazz,
I am so glad you didn't give up. Practice makes perfect!
Thanks for coming back and letting me know the final outcome. :)
Hi dearest sinner
I just want to tell you that i hv done it successfully most of it were eaten off from the plate while draining off oil
and i didn't use coconut ... i actually use evaporate milk for now as i think i will be frying this everyday haha
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