The best chilli sauce ever. We now use this chilli sauce for dipping everything and anything from boiled mussels, bouncy beef balls, pork balls, chinese roast pork, salt and pepper squid to fried beehoon.

I am so glad to be able to cross out yet another type of processed food from my shopping list. Plus the price of a bottle of chilli sauce has really gone up. Must keep my eye out for a special on fresh chillies now so I can buy heaps to freeze.
As it is so quick and easy to make, I prefer to cook only a small quantity so that it doesn't need to 'hang out' in the fridge for too long. Even though I used my super hot chillies from the freezer, the finished product was not that hot at all. I can now use up my homegrown red hot chillis which have been residing in my freezer for years.
I am so glad to be able to cross out yet another type of processed food from my shopping list. Plus the price of a bottle of chilli sauce has really gone up. Must keep my eye out for a special on fresh chillies now so I can buy heaps to freeze.
As it is so quick and easy to make, I prefer to cook only a small quantity so that it doesn't need to 'hang out' in the fridge for too long. Even though I used my super hot chillies from the freezer, the finished product was not that hot at all. I can now use up my homegrown red hot chillis which have been residing in my freezer for years.
Makes about 75 ml
10 red (long) hot chilli
3 clove garlic
½ cup water
100 gm sugar
¼ cup white vinegar
½ tsp salt
1. Deseed chilli (wear gloves).
Frozen chillies....straight out from the freezer.
2. Using the Amazing or Magic Bullet, blend chilli and garlic with ¼ cup of the water until smooth.
3. Add all the ingredients into a wide base pot.
4. Boil on medium heat until thick. Takes about 5 minutes. Give it a stir every now and then.
5. Pour into a clean dry bottle and refrigerate. Will keep for a few weeks.
Perfectly blended with not a trace of chilli or garlic
1. Do not be tempted to put in a lot of liquid when blending the chillies and garlic in the Magic or Amazing Bullet. I find the chillis and garlic will blend more finely with less water (¼ cup rather than ½ cup).
Blending of this batch was a bit on the coarse side - not as refined (I added a bit too much water)
2. There is no separation of chilli and liquid during storage if it is boiled to the right thickness. After a few tries you will be able to get feel of it. There is no need to add cornflour to thicken the sauce.
3. It is better to use a wide base pot as the sauce will thicken faster.
4. If you haven't got yourself a Magic Bullet yet....go get one. It is the best little gadget ever. I am using a cheaper version - the Amazing Bullet which works just as well.
Hi there! I love your blog and was wondering if you have the recepi for the coca suki diping sauce original from the coca restaurant to share?
millions thanks!
Hi Aishah,
Sorry can't help with the coca dipping sauce as we don't have a Coca restaurant here so don't know what the sauce taste like.
Thanks for dropping by.
Great recipes and you are very good in Asian recipes, I truly like it! Thanks
Jean @
Very good recipe..thanks for the same! Now make it all the time :))
For grinding without/or with very little water, Indian machines are really work. There are Indian makes like Preethi or Sumeet, I have one by Panasonic that is just great! Never burns out, even when grinding heavy stuff with little liquid.
There are even traditional stone-grinders, e.g. by Ultra Pride, that uses 2 granite stones, which don't heat up like the blades: you can make those sauces that grandmothers used to have to pound out.
Disclaimer: am just a home-user, no commercial interest in any of these products
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