My breadmaker produces 750gm and 1 kg loaf but I only use ingredients for 750g which still produces bread that rises over the pan when baked. All the bread produced from this recipe have been consistently light and fluffy, similar to commercial bread but taste better.
With this multigrain wholemeal bread recipe, you can substitute with your favourite grain. I have used linseed, wholemeal oats and walnuts as they have good nutritional values. This bread is great for toast as well as sandwiches.
With this multigrain wholemeal bread recipe, you can substitute with your favourite grain. I have used linseed, wholemeal oats and walnuts as they have good nutritional values. This bread is great for toast as well as sandwiches.

Ingredients (for 750 g loaf)
320 ml warm water
1 Tbsp lecithin granules
1½ tsp salt
1½ Tbsp+1 tsp sugar
1 Tbsp+1 tsp milk powder
2¼ tsp surebake yeast
185 gm wholemeal flour
3 tsp gluten flour
250gm high grade (bread) flour
1½ Tbsp ground or whole linseed (optional)
1 Tbsp wholemeal oats (optional)
Add-Ins : (when breadmaker beeps) {optional}
¼ cup walnuts
Topping (optional)
pumpkin seed, sesame or oats
1. Place ingredients into the bread pan according to your breadmaker instructions
2. Setting : Wholewheat
3. 5-10 minutes before start of baking - sprinkle topping on bread dough
4. Bread dough will rise to within 1-1¾" from top of pan before the baking process begins.
5. After baking.

6. Sliced when cooled

1. As temperature here is quite cool, I use warm water to help in the rising process.
2. I use lecithin granules as I find it produces a better loaf.
3. Surebake yeast have bread improver in it. For normal yeast use 1.5 tsp + 1 tsp bread improver.
5. For every ½ cup of wholemeal flour, 1 tsp of gluten flour is required. If adding more or less wholemeal please adjust gluten flour accordingly.
6. When more or less wholemeal flour is used, please adjust the quatity of bread flour used. The total weight of flour (wholemeal+gluten+bread flour) should always add up to 450gm.
7. Whole linseed can be used but make sure you chew it thoroughly to break the skin when eating to get the full nutritional value.
FANTASTIC!!! YOU ARE HEAVEN-SENT!!!! :o) I was looking for other asian recipes and stumbled upon your site...
I LOVE COOKING and I will be moving to... Guess, guess... a red neck area by end of the year!! :o)
I love your site!! Its a blessing!!
Thank you!! :-D
Thank you for your recipe!
so where can I get gluten flour? isn't it the same as high grade flour? (oh, while i'm on thei topic, do u know where I can get low gluten flour as well?) also, where can I get lecithin granules?
Thanks a lot!
Hi dolce,
I am assuming you are in NZ. I get my gluten flour from Bin Inn and lecithin granules from Pak & Save (bulk bin section).
Gluten flour is different from high grade flour.
Sorry no idea where to get low gluten flour.
Thanks Sinner,
I try the recipe as written but the sunflower seeds doesn't stick to the dough and in fact when i try to get it to stick it collasped the top a bit. the result is still nice when freshly out of the bread machine but i left it over night and it's not as soft anymore... is it supposed to be like that?
Thanks a lot,
Hi dolce,
If the seeds doesn't stick, you can always put it in earlier.
It is a known fact that homemade bread does not stay soft as long as commercial bread as it does not have a long list of additives or chemicals to keep it on the shelf for days.
I always slice my bread and keep it in the freezer as soon as we have finished with it for the day. But if I want to keep it 'out' overnight, I wrap it in a tea towel and store it in an airtight container. That way it stays fresher and soft.
Update 31/10/10 : I now get my lecithin granules from
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